martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Robert's Robot

Hi everyone: At last I can sit and write once again. Before I arrive home I'm planning to write my blog, but at the moment I'm at home, I start doing this and that and when I see the clock, I say: One more day without writing. But today I didn't look at anything and run to sit here and write. This is little messages for children, but can be also for adults. It says that: Robert was excited looking at his robot walking around his room. It was made of transparent plastic so he could see all the interior lights how they went on and off. Her sister told him:" My robot is bigger than yours, it's beautiful, it shines like gold." "Well, Robert said: The robots shouldn't be all beautiful" I bet my robot is faster than yours" The children started playing when the lights went off. "What happed the little girl asked" trying not be worried. " It's probably because of the rain" said Robert. "I wish mom and dad could be at home, let's go downstairs" They walked to the door, but the hall was in darkness so they could'nt see. "Wait a minute"said Roberto. He returned to found his robot. He lighted on and it's lights started to shine, so they could go downstairs guided by the robot's lights.

Later on, they saw their parent coming. "Oh! we're so happy to see you" said the little Tania. "I was very afraid" "But my robot helped" said Roberto very proud of his robot. "Tania said my robot was very ugly, but he gave us light"Roberto said.

Their mother started laughing and then she said very seriouly: "Your robots remind me that there's people who looked very importart and attractive but, they don't permit that the love of God shines through them. It looks like if they haven't any strength. So when the circumstances are difficult, they're not of much help. Other people seemed to be not so good, but they are strong and you can count always with them. You can see very clearly the light of Jesus shinning on their lives" "That's true" said the father. "That's the way people should be. Full of God's love and they have to show it.

What about you? Are you the kind of person described on this story? The way you look from outside it's not very important as the inside. This is the one God's care. When you live the way God wants you to live, then His light will shine on you life. The end

I hope you can udenstand it because of my traduction. See you later. Are you attending to the workshops? they look interesting. See you tomorrow. Bye.

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