martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Mi opinión sobre el blog

Hola amigos: Que buena oportunidad de poder escribir el blog en español para así no tener tantos errores verdad? eso espero.

Quiero dar mi opinión acerca de este trabajo que nos ha estado solicitando el maestro Cabrales. Para mi, sinceramente ha sido de gran ayuda y apoyo. Me encantó escribir blogs, porque como ustedes saben en un principio, yo no sabía nada de computación. Esta práctica me hizo perderle el miedo a la computadora al menos y sentirme satisfecha cada que terminaba un blog y además de ponerle su imágen aunque sencilla, me daba ánimos para seguir haciendo más.

Para mi fué divertido y entretenido el poder ver lo que mis compañeros hacían con tanta creatividad y conocimientos en esta materia. Me encantaría que el próximo semestre siguiéramos haciéndolos, pues de otra manera ya no podría practicar y se me olvidaría, que espero no sea así, pues lo que ya adquirí de práctica en la compu me ayuda a seguir adelante. Gracias maestro por sus enseñanzas y su interés en que aprendamos cosas nuevas cada día.

Hasta pronto amiguitos, los quiero mucho. Celia.

A new kind of club

Hi everybody, how are you feeling? a little bit tired? Me too, but we are almost done right? I'm writing this last blog for this period of time. Hope you like it.
In the twentieth a psycologist George W. Crane started to teach psycology at the Northwestern University in Chicago. His clases were at night with people who work in stores, offices and factories in Chicago during the day, so they used to take this classes at night.

One night a woman named Luisa told Dr. Crane she felt lonely without any friends after she moved to Chicago. "I don't know anybody except a girl at the office" she said.

It was due to Luisa's problem that Dr. Crane planned something he called "the flatter club". On the next week, he announced to the class: "you must use your psycology everyday whether at home, at work in the trains and in the buses" said Dr. Crane. "Everyday you must give a sincere flatter to three different persons each day during thirty days. After that I want you to write an essay about your own experiences" he continues "write about the changes you noticed in the people around you, as well as your own personal change in the way you see the life".

Some of Crane's students didn't want to accept that task. They said they don't know what to say to the people, some others were afraid to be rejected, some of them thought that will be dishonest to flatter a person they don't like. "Suppose you see someone you don't like" said a student "wouldn't this will be false?" "Of course not, this will not be lack of sincerity to flatter your enemy" answer Dr. Crane "To flatter someone is to recognize the good things the persons have, your flatter is to lift up the moral of the lonely souls. You don't know the effect that your words will do in a boy or a girl, man or woman in the critic moment they need it.

Dr. Crane's students discovered that their sincere flatters had a possitive effect on all persons around them and the experience had even a better effect on them. Luisa became a real sociable person.

We can lift up persons or put them down in the floor in our relationships. Dr. Crane said " The world is dieing due to lack of love and it is hunger of flatters.

Ok my friends, this is not the end it's just part of the book I'm reading. The author is John C. Maxwell and this is going to be the last blog I write from this period of classes.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008


Hi everyone, the wekend is over. So classes will continue tomorrow. Well, now I'm writing about eagles. It's a book I bought to know about eagles. Here is my report:

For many centuries, eagles have been considered as a symbol and emblem of power, value, nobility and excellence. Almost 50 different species belong to the falcon's family (accipitridas or falconiformes). They are found almost all the world except in the Antartida and New Zeland. They are in danger of extinction. One of the sepecies that is in danger or extinction is the "bald eagle", not because it is bald, but for the white color on its head when the eagle becomes an adult. It's body is maroon color and the head and tail are white. It's scientific name is Haliaeetu leucocephalfus. Bald eagles feed mainly on fish.

In 1782, the United States Congress approved a resolution to turn the blad eagle into the official emblem of that nation.

Another of the species of eagle found in the United States of America is the golden eagle. It's scientif name is Chrsaeto eagle. It's color is maroon and it has gold spots on its head and on its neck. That is why is called like that.

When the Bible mentions the eagle it refer to the "golden eagle". It is considered the fastest of all. It can fly as fast as 225 kilometers pere hour. Eagles get their food only when they are hungry. They don't kill animals just for pleasure. They live near lakes or places like rivers because most of the times they eat fish. The salmon is the white eagle's favorite fish. There are a lot of white eagles in Alaska, Canada and in the United States.

The emblem of Mexico presents an eagle on a cactus under its feet and with its claws and heels is getting a sanake. The golden eagle is our national bird.

Frequently, in the Bible, God uses the eagle's figure to refer himself as the one who cares, provides and protects His sons. The eagle is a solitary bird. It doesn't fly in flocks except in special cases where there are lots of fish to catch.

Ok, guys, I'm going to stop here. This was just the introduction of the book. On the next blog, I will write about the eaglle's nest. It's already 1:00 a.m. and I'm sleepy. See you tomorrow bye.