viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008


Hi, how was your day? here comes another weekend, so we can take a chance to finish our tasks at home or at work. Ok, now I'll write something I read from a magazine and it said that sometimes it is a mistake to judge the activity value just for the time it takes to do the job.

A good example was the case of the engineer who was called to fix a very big and extemely complicated computer which costs 12 millions of dollars.

Sitting in front of the computer, he pressed some keyboards, he moved his head affirmatively, he talked by himself and turned off the computer. Then he took a little screwdriver from his bag and turned just one time to a very tiny screwdriver.

Then he turned on the computer again and checked it was working correctly. The company's president was fascinated and he wanted to pay to account at the moment. "How much is it?" he asked. It's a thousand dollars. "A thousand dollars!" A thousand dollars just for some moments of work? A thousand dollars just to adjust a simple screwdriver. I know my computer costs 12 million dollars, but one thousand dollars its a nonesense quantity! I will pay you only if you give me a perfectly well detailed invoice, which justify this.

The engineer moved his head affirmatively and left. The next morning, the president received the invoice, read it carefully, shaked his head and proceded to pay it at the moment without saing anything.

The invoice said:

Given services:

To tighten a screw.........$1 dollar

To know which screw to thighten.....$999 dollars

REMEMBER: We earn for what we know, not for what we do.

Ok, guys I hope you understand this translation. See you on Monday at school bye bye.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008


Hello my dear friends, are you ready for school this afternoon? I'm going to continue writing from a book a read long time ago, about the eagle's life.

The eagle builds its nest on the top of very big trees or on the difficult access rocks. The bald eagle and golden eagle's nest can meassure more than 3 meters of deepness and about 2 meters wide. The best known nest is the one which has 6 meters of deepness. The golden eagle can use nests built long time ago by other eagles, but it continues building it. it shares the nest with its partner. In this nest the couple give care, protection and food to the baby eagles untill they get its autonomy, so it means they need to go to other place to build their own nest.

The eagle belongs to the altitudes. It likes to fly and to live high. The altitudes are its enjoyment that's why it builds its nest in the highest places. Although because of being a big size bird, when it comes out of the high nest, it can take highness in its flying.

During all its life, the eagle continues constructing in its nest. The golden eagle may have 2 or 3 nests built in different places, but only uses one per season. In that nest the couple feed their babies. They help them to develop its basic instincts to survive. They give them protection, care and food, but when they are grown, strong enough and have the ability to support itself, the eagle father or mother need to take the decision to make them leave the nest.

So they can learn to fly, their parents must push them out of the nest from the top of the tree to make them fly and not to be afraid of the altitudes. God also, most of the times needs to use special situations in the immature believers so they can become mature.

The eagles mate each other forever. Its nest is not shared with any other eagle.

The bird oriole from Baltimore in the United States of America and the English sparrow, are little birds who find refuge or shelter in the giant eagle nest. In that nest the eagle built for itself, this little birds build their little nests there.
The eagle doen't take them out. They live peacefully and share with this strange defenceless and needed neighbors. It is very generous.

The believer eagle serves to one another. What they have, they share it with everyone. To serve other without expecting nothing just the approval of God it's their joy. What kind of nest are we buildig as God's eagles? Where are we building our nests? What size is our nest? Do we share our nest with the ones who are needed?.

Well guys. I'll stop here it's almost time to go to school. I'm going to get ready. See you later.

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

THE EAGLE Symbol of excellence

Hi everyone, the weekend is over, so let's continue tomorrow with classes. Well, now I'm writing about eagles. It's a book I bought to know about eagles. It says like this.

For many centuries the eagles had been considered as a symbol and emblem of power, value, nobility and excellence. Almost 50 different species belong to the falcon's family(accipitridas o falconiformes). They are in almost all the world except at the Antartida and New Zeland. They are in danger of extinction. The species who are in danger of extinction is the bald eagle, not because it is bald, but for the white color on its head when the eagle becomes an adult. It has its body marroon and the head and tail are white. Its scientific name is Haliaeetu leucocephalfus. This bald eagle use to eat mainly fish.

In the year of 1782, the United States Congress approved a resolution to turn the bald eagle into the official emblem of that great nation.

Other of the eagle's species found in the United States of America is the golden eagle. Its scientific name is chrsaetos eagle. Its color is marroon and it has gold spots on its head and on its neck. That's why it is called like that.

When the Bible mentions the eagle it is refered to the golden eagle. It is considered the fastest of all, once it can get velocities of 225 kilometer per hour. The eagles get its food only when it is hungry. They don't kill animals just for pleasure. They live near lakes or places like rivers because most of the times they eat fish. The salmon is the white eagle's favorite fish. In Alaska, Canada and in the United States, there are a lot of white eagles.

The emblem of Mexico presents an eagle with a cactus under its feet and with its claws and heels it is getting a snake. The golden eagle is our national bird.

In the Bible, frequently, God uses the eagle's figure to refer himself as the one who cares, provides and protects his sons. The eagle is a solitary bird it doesn' fly in flocks except in special cases where there are a lot of fish to catch. The eagle believers live solitary lives, they live apart from other persons and they are just dedicated to God's service.

Ok guys, I'm going to stop here. This was just the introduction of the book. On the next blog I will write about the eagle's nest. It's already 1:00 a.m. and I'm sleepy. See you tomorrow bye.


Hello there, how are you doing with your blogs? Are you almost done? I'm sure you are. Well I'm going to continue with the other part of the Halloween see you later.


The fact that most of the people practice a tradition it does't mean God is agree. Or you'll do it because everybody do it? Let's remember what Jesus said on the gospel of Matheus chapter 15

"Why are you also desobeying God's commands to follow your own traditions?...You are false, that's why the prophet Isaias said about you: These people honored me just with their mouths, but their hearts are away from me. Do not let the social pressure and "What would they say" to convince you. Don't show your children that God's things aren't important. Don't tell them we should love God and by the other hand you let them celebrate an ocultist tradition wearing satan, withches, devils and other costumes. How are they going to respect God? Be an integrity model in your faith and respect to God for your family. Keep firmly in your faith! Take care of the spiritual life in your house, because the halloween moves in an spiritual way and my affect your family.


The spiritual reality exists, even if you don't beleive in it. It's like if someone don't believes in the celular or microscopic world, because they don't see it. And not because of that it doesn't exist or affect your own body. The same thing happens with the spiritual world, we may ignore it, but there it is and it affect us believe it or not. In the spiritual dimension there are only two ways, the good (God) and evil(satan). In fact, the spiritual world is so real that theres people who moves in it and read your future with cards, coffee, your hand, etc. All this practices as Hallowing are from the evil kingdom, God says it in his word.


This question is a sad prove that Halloween had affected our society. How can you think that a party that goes around with devils, witches, monsters and demons may please God? Nevertheless, you are not ignorant about it, that's why you just have two alternatives to remain besides God, even the critics or comments from your friends and family or to do what the social pressure want and participate knowing the truth in a tradition of a satanic church. It's totally up to you.


1.-Explain your children why are they not going to celebrate Halloween. And don't let them go and ask for candies. There are some other celebrations for children, like children's day, Spring days, posadas etc.

2.-Don't let your children attend to a Halloween party at school or kindergarten. Explain the reason to the teacher. Give them a pamphlet or just don't send them to school on that day. It's better and absence than to participate on this.

3.-Don't give any candies to the children who are asking in neighborhood. That is also a participation. If they come with an adult, explain them and give them a copy of this pamphlet.

4.- Photocopy this pamphlet and give it to your friends or people you know. Give it to people you know they're believers, but doen't know nothing about Halloween.

5.- If you are young, you too need to keep your faithful in God.

6.- If you have a store do not sell Halloween articles, do not promote this, but give your customers a pamphet or put it where it can be seen. Help us to have a firm Mexico in its faith and respect to God.

If you ever had participated in Halloween or any other ocultist practice (ouija, cards readings, coffee, hand, astrology, death consults, etc), ask God to forgive you even if you were ignorant about this and tell him you want to have a relation with him. God listen to everyone and he is great in mercy to forgive and give us his love.

Well, I'm done with this blog. I'm going to think now what to write for the next one. Hope you like it and understand my translation. See you at class.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008


Hi everybody I whish you enjoy this long weekend. I'm going to write something about Halloween from a pamphlet I have. I'm going to try to translate it as well as I can ok? Well it says like this:

Did you know that Halloween is a tradition that goes against our Christian faith? If you are a believer, do not let any of your family to participate in this celebration at any level.

Before nothing, let us remind you, that this information is for people who believes in God. If you are not a believer, what we are going to explain won't have sense for you.

Halloween instead of not being a Christian tradition, it's a satanic origin celebration. Maybe the way it's celebrated nowadays may look like something for children, but have you ever ask yourself which is the origin of the Halloween? Where does it comes from? Why is it celebrated on October 31st.?

On october it's the satanics and witches more important celebration. If you think these kind of persons do not exist, you are wrong. There are some countries where the satanic church is already registered. In the United States in the 60's there was approved the first register of a satanic church. Eventhough there are national and international withches associations. Also it's known that one of their congresses was celebrated at Cd. Juárez Chihuahua.

The followers of the evil power have two big events which are celebrated on October 31st the Sabbath and Samhain festival, both are Halloween.

Sanhaim's festival used to be celebrated each October 31st by the Celtas old habitants of the United Kingdom. Sanhaim was their god and the death lord, do they honored him by offering him sacrifices of harvests, animals and human beings. The Druids who were the Deltas' priests asked the people to offer a baby or a virgin woman to be sacrificed that night on which the lord of the death will visit them with all his devils. The ones whose not accept to offer the victim they were marked on their houses' door, so that night all the devils will destroy them. The ones who were agree, they were protected by the spirits having a vegetable with a candle in it. (Doesn't it sounds you like the pumpkin?).
During the ceremony the Druids wore costumes out of animals leather which were sacrificed to take out the devils who visited the town so they can be in calm the next day. With the ashes of the sacrifices rests the Druids do a ritual to know the future for the following 12 months.

By the other hand, what we know about Sabbath, they have like a "witches party" on which the witches met to offer sacrifices to satan (lord of the death) by rituals with sexual acts and death.

There are several dates during the year to celebrate the sabbath, but the principal one is on October 31st.

Apparently, but don't forget that there's people who is involved with evil powers and they celebrate it. We know that children participates in an innocently way, but Do you think it's correct that a believer family should celebrate a satanic tradition? Would you accept that anyone in your family wear a t-shirt and blaspheme against Jesus Christ? Then don't accept those parties from the enemy of God. Now that you know what the witches do, do you think it's good for your children to wear witches costumes so they can think it's for fun? Would you send your children to a celebration of an opposite religion than yours? Then don't let them celebrate an ocultist religion which goes against your faith and agaist God.

Ok, guys I'm going to stop here, for the first part, because it's kind of long, I'll write the second part on the next blog ok?

A cigarette's confessions

I'm little, of a fine style shape. I know I'm good looking, dressed in a white paper. I´m always shown on beautiful glass shelves, in elegant golden, cigarette boxes. During the day I'm on desks, at night I'm on bedside tables. I'm always published on newspapers and magazines. Television, gives me important minutes of publicity. My aroma invades everywhere I go.

It is well-known, that since long time ago I have formed an empire with men of all races, poor and rich people, young and old men and women. I stablish the law of this empire. My slaves, as I called them with love, should sacrifice for me whenever I ask them. It doesn't matter how much it cost. As master and king, who I am, I give them pleasure, escape moments and calm for their anxieties.

In exchange to this, they should give their weak heart, their congested lungs and their stained hands and teeth. Not many of them could be able to tolerate cancer pains, but what's the matter comparing with the company I offer them. In the last years some rebellious people are angry about me. They have declare war against me. I don't know who told them that I'm a simple object and that they are human beings who are free to choose and not to create dependance on nothing.

Must of them have increased, but I still have some faithfull and innocent friends who will give their lives for me and do my own volunteer. I hope you who are reading this confession won't never leave me and remember I give you pleasure, you just give me only your health, your life.....this is my empire's law.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

Classification Essay (Hmk.)

Hi, this is another homework we need to do. This is in pairs. We need to choose a type of art and Maricela and I decided to write about "Dance" It comes on the book of Passages page 49.

Dance is an art form that generally refers to the body movement, used as an expression form, social iteraction or presented ina performance setting.

Dance has involved many styles and dimensions. First we can mention the ritual dance. It is the kind of dancing our ancesters used to express respect to their gods or just representing important and significant situations in their lives.

Another dimension is when people dance just by leissure. Here we have all those popular styles like salsa, rock and roll, country, break dance and hip hop. Young people get together and dance having good time.

Another interesting dimension is when people dance in competitions. There are events where contestants perform dances before a judge for awards or monetary prizes.

When peope have problems with their physical or mental health, dance is a good option. Doctors recommend dance as a therapy.

Finally, we the performance dance, is the expression of creativity and imagination. Generally a choreagrapher works with dancers in order to perform something in front of a public.

Conclussion: Dance is an essential tool to express our feelings, ideas and emotions.

Ok, this is our opinion for this essay. Hope you like it.

Tunning out the TV (HMK:)

Hello! How are you doing? I'm here enjoying with the blog. This is a homework from the book Passages page 45.

Five advantages of watching TV.

1.- We can learn from art or cultural programs.
2.- We can be well informed with the daily news.
3.- We can enjoy happy moments with our family.
4.- We can see special events from other countries where we can't go like the Olympic Games.
5.- It is very useful to anounce all kind of things you want to sell. Also it's necessary for people
who live alone, for clinics, or hospitals to watch Tv while they are waiting for the doctor, etc.

Five advantages of not watching TV.

1.- Children won't adopt bad habits, like eating on the bed or watching it for long hours.
2.- Children may practice some other games or activities, like going to swim or ride a bike, play
outside with friends with their yoyos, marbles, ropes, dolls, etc.
3.- We can change our daily routine, not being always watching the soap operas instead of being
creating some other things.
4.- We have time to visit friends or family.
5.- Children will spend more time on their tasks or homework. Reading books or at the internet.

See you later guys, have a nice day.

Writing a book report (hmk.)

Hi everybody. Guess what, I'm very angry because I wrote this blog last night until 1:00 am. and as wanted to insert an image, I don't know what happen and I couldn't find my blog anymore. So I'm here writing it again.
About three weeks ago I read a book I found at the SAC. Its title was "The Wizard of Oz" and its author was L. Frank Baum. The main character were a little girl named Dorothy, her dog Toto, a scarecrow, a tin man and a lion. Some others were unlcle Henry, aunt Em, and Glinda the witch of the South.

This story was about Dorothy who lived with her uncle and aunt, but one day a cyclone blows her and her house to a strange country called Oz. There, Dorothy make friends with the scarecrow, the tin man and a lion. But she wanted to go home to Kansas. Only one person can help her, and that was the country's famous wizard.

So Dorothy and her friends took the yellow brick road to the Emerald city to find the wizard of oz. But what they don't know, was that there were no wizard. As they were walking on the road, they were saying what they wish. Dorothy wanted to go home, the scarecrow wanted to have a brain, the tin man wishes to have a heart and the coward lion wanted to be brave.

When they arrived and noticed that the wizard was a lier, he appoligized telling them he arrived there in a balloon and when the people saw him, they thought he was a wizard because the way he arrived so he lied to all of them. The lion was now very fierce, and the man promise to help them. So he open the scarecrow and put on his head a brain, then he gave a heart and oiled the the tin man, the lion was already brave and at last he wanted to send Dorothy in a balloon, but waiting for the dog, the balloon blew away with the man and he shouted her to call the witch of the South and she could help her. So she did it and finally she returned home.

I liked this fancy book and I would recommended it to parents who have children, because they can explain them how easy you can make friends accepting them the way they are, understand its needs and try to help them.