sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008

The fear

Hi! How's everybody! I hope you're ok. Well, this time I want to write about the topic I explained to the women I invite to my house this Saturday. It's about the fear. I'm goin to try to make it shorter. I explained them that there were two kinds of fears: the real and the imaginary ones. Some are expressed and some are hidden . You may be a very beautiful well dressed up lady, but if the fear dominates your heart, the external beauty will be opaqued. One of the ingredients of this beauty is being certain that "If God is with me, who is against me? Are you afraid of: driving or flying alone? or to discover that you have a very serious illness? or to die? or become a widow? or to fail in your marriage? or the possibility that your husband has another woman? or to be bankrupt? or to be pregnant? or taking decisions? or to stay alone? or what could happen to your children? or finally "what can the people say? (your husband, mother-in-law, boss, neighbors, etc) If you don't stop the fear, it will stop you. Because of the fear, you don't have any relation with people or you're afraid of testify about Jesus? Most of the time we are afraid on what we listen to. (bad news, gossips) Sometimes on what we see. (the circumstances, the problems)But if we live according to what we believe, instead of what we see or feel, then we won't be afraid. When your life is governed by the fear to God (reverence) including respect of his Word, then big changes will come to your life. It will be more important to you not to offend him, and less important "what the people can say" Memorize this: God has said, " Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? (Hebrews 13: 5,6) The end. Well it was a resume of what we learn today. I hope you can understand it because of the translation. Ok, my dear classmates have sweet dreams. If I don't write you tomorrow I'll do it on Monday. Have a nice weekend and take care of yourself. Bye bye.

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