Hello there, how are you doing with your blogs? Are you almost done? I'm sure you are. Well I'm going to continue with the other part of the Halloween see you later.
The fact that most of the people practice a tradition it does't mean God is agree. Or you'll do it because everybody do it? Let's remember what Jesus said on the gospel of Matheus chapter 15
"Why are you also desobeying God's commands to follow your own traditions?...You are false, that's why the prophet Isaias said about you: These people honored me just with their mouths, but their hearts are away from me. Do not let the social pressure and "What would they say" to convince you. Don't show your children that God's things aren't important. Don't tell them we should love God and by the other hand you let them celebrate an ocultist tradition wearing satan, withches, devils and other costumes. How are they going to respect God? Be an integrity model in your faith and respect to God for your family. Keep firmly in your faith! Take care of the spiritual life in your house, because the halloween moves in an spiritual way and my affect your family.
The spiritual reality exists, even if you don't beleive in it. It's like if someone don't believes in the celular or microscopic world, because they don't see it. And not because of that it doesn't exist or affect your own body. The same thing happens with the spiritual world, we may ignore it, but there it is and it affect us believe it or not. In the spiritual dimension there are only two ways, the good (God) and evil(satan). In fact, the spiritual world is so real that theres people who moves in it and read your future with cards, coffee, your hand, etc. All this practices as Hallowing are from the evil kingdom, God says it in his word.
This question is a sad prove that Halloween had affected our society. How can you think that a party that goes around with devils, witches, monsters and demons may please God? Nevertheless, you are not ignorant about it, that's why you just have two alternatives to remain besides God, even the critics or comments from your friends and family or to do what the social pressure want and participate knowing the truth in a tradition of a satanic church. It's totally up to you.
1.-Explain your children why are they not going to celebrate Halloween. And don't let them go and ask for candies. There are some other celebrations for children, like children's day, Spring days, posadas etc.
2.-Don't let your children attend to a Halloween party at school or kindergarten. Explain the reason to the teacher. Give them a pamphlet or just don't send them to school on that day. It's better and absence than to participate on this.
3.-Don't give any candies to the children who are asking in neighborhood. That is also a participation. If they come with an adult, explain them and give them a copy of this pamphlet.
4.- Photocopy this pamphlet and give it to your friends or people you know. Give it to people you know they're believers, but doen't know nothing about Halloween.
5.- If you are young, you too need to keep your faithful in God.
6.- If you have a store do not sell Halloween articles, do not promote this, but give your customers a pamphet or put it where it can be seen. Help us to have a firm Mexico in its faith and respect to God.
If you ever had participated in Halloween or any other ocultist practice (ouija, cards readings, coffee, hand, astrology, death consults, etc), ask God to forgive you even if you were ignorant about this and tell him you want to have a relation with him. God listen to everyone and he is great in mercy to forgive and give us his love.
Well, I'm done with this blog. I'm going to think now what to write for the next one. Hope you like it and understand my translation. See you at class.